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OROGOLD Explains How Travel Troubles Your Skin – ORO GOLD Review

//OROGOLD Explains How Travel Troubles Your Skin – ORO GOLD Review

You might be planning your dream vacation, thinking about what all to pack or dreaming about all those fabulous places and restaurants that you plan to visit, but in between all your planning  do take out some time to think about what all this is likely to do to your face. Unlike most other things in life, you simply cannot take a “break” from skin care, particularly when you’re bound to subject it to moisture sucking flights and anxiety filled streaks. Here are some of the most common culprits of skin troubles while traveling and their cures.


Everyone knows it, but very few people actually say it. Flying is likely to leave you looking like a mess. One of the most common reasons is dry recycled air that your skin is tormented with while you’re on the plane. It is important to learn how to take care of airplane skin. The best way to treat your moisture deprived skin while flying is to carry a spray bottle of water to spritz your skin with before applying a moisturizer. Do this before, during and after your flight and you should be able to negate the damages caused to your skin.


Food is yet another culprit that can lead to random breakouts and all sorts of skin problems. You end up eating as well as drinking a lot more while you’re on a holiday and this spells danger for your skin. Refined sugar is famous for accelerating skin aging and heavy dairy products can force breakouts. Even though your holidays are not the best time to diet, try to mix things up with fresh fruits, fruit juices and green vegetables. And try to cut down on the martinis.


Whether traveling from one time zone to another or simply ignoring your sleep while in the plane, you’re creating a lot of problems for your skin. The dehydration is one thing, but lack of sleep can also lead to swollen eyes because they cause the blood vessels around your eyes to dilate. The best solution is to try and sleep for a while during the flight. But, placing a few refrigerated damp green tea bags on your eyes for 10 minutes before going to sleep can do wonders for your skin.


The anxiety of catching your flight or the exhilaration of visiting your dream destinations are likely to treat your skin in the same way. They can cause stress and since your skin is linked to your nervous system, you could end up with things like acne, eczema or rosacea. The solution is actually quite simple. Visit the nearest OROGOLD Store during or after (after all, OROGOLD is present in more than 20 countries in the world) your holiday and enjoy our pampering skin treatments to get your skin back to normal.


Airports, airplanes, public transportation and trains are not exactly dripping with hygiene and sanitary well being. They’re generally known to rank among the best breeding grounds for bacteria and if you’re not careful, this bacteria could spread to your face and lead to irritation or breakouts. The best solution is to carry a gentle solution with you. Remember to cleanse your skin before, during and after the flight to ensure that you don’t allow bacteria to torment it. And keep those face wipes away from your face. They might be decent options to clean your phones and your trays.

Sun Protection (or the lack thereof)

How many of us remember to apply that sunscreen religiously when we’re out worshipping the sun in one of those exotic beaches? How many of us remember to apply the sunscreen after trekking for a few hours amid mind blowing mountain scenery? Not many! Irrespective of when you go, where you go or what you do, if you’re outdoors during the day, you need sun protection. Don’t forget to carry your daily dose of SPF moisturizers with you while traveling. Sun safety is super important!

Hotel Soaps

Stay as far as possible from hotel soaps unless you’re being treated to one of those luxurious skin care products. Most complimentary hotel products are known to be heavily perfumed and can lead to skin breakouts and irritation in a jiffy. Be even more careful if you suffer from sensitive skin. It always makes sense to carry your own toiletries and skin care products while on a holiday.

2019-04-15T13:14:40+00:00October 2nd, 2014|Beauty Advice|

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