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ORO GOLD Cosmetics Brings You New York’s Top Skin Secrets – ORO GOLD Reviews

//ORO GOLD Cosmetics Brings You New York’s Top Skin Secrets – ORO GOLD Reviews

New York City is considered to be a world leader in many things like finance, arts, fashion, culture, business, commerce, etc. It is also known to be one of the most fashionable and health conscious places in the world. In fact, the residents of NYC are extremely conscious about the way they look and feel and are known to have all sorts of routines and methods to take care of their skin as well as their body. What could be a better way of taking care of your skin than learning about the skin secrets of some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Want to know why you should put certain food items on your face instead of eating them? Want to know how to look as healthy and beautiful as a New Yorker? All you need to do is read on!!!

Skin care is not just about preventing wrinkles and fine lines

Skin care is not just about eliminating your fine lines and wrinkles. You need to focus on the color and texture of your skin as well. Most people believe that sweating leads to breakouts. However, sweat doesn’t cause breakouts. It is the dirt and debris that you carry around in your skin which leads to breakouts. Therefore, regular cleansing and using gentle cleansers is very important. A splash of water after sweating also helps you to keep your face dirt and germ free.

A cold soy milk compress works wonders for your skin

A cold soy milk compress can work wonders for your skin. It not only decreases inflammation and reduces your redness and irritation, it also helps you to repair the damage caused to your skin by sun exposure. And if you’re suffering from breakouts, all you need to do is to switch to warm soy milk compresses.

There is no substitute to sunscreen

The best way to repair your skin is to protect it from getting damaged any further. This is why a broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen is so important. New Yorkers are famous for lathering on generous amounts of sunscreen every single day before leaving the day. However, it is also important to re-apply sunscreens every two hours spent under the sun.

Regular skin care routines are a must

Maintain a daily skin care routine and alter your routine to suit the seasons. You need to ensure that you make your skin healthier and stronger inside and out. The best way to take care of your skin externally is to have a healthy skin care routine. In fact, this step is believed to be as important as having a healthy diet. Talking about your diet, Greek yogurt, light fish, kale and olive oil can work wonders not just in terms of offering you with radiant skin, but also making you shed a few pounds.

Exercise regularly

Working and sweating is good for your health as it allows you to stay fit and healthy. However, it is also known to be very beneficial for your skin as it allows your skin to get rid of its impurities and look fresher and more supple. Working out also helps in increasing the flow of blood to your skin, which in turn improves its overall health.

2019-04-14T18:43:11+00:00October 3rd, 2014|Beauty Advice|

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