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Most Photogenic Destinations

//Most Photogenic Destinations

The world is filled with spectacular destinations, but some of them are much more photogenic than others, and all you need is a steady hand and a bit of good light to snap some images that would be at home on the front page of a national travel magazine. Here is OROGOLD’s list of some of the most photogenic destinations in the world.

Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Many would argue that Bora Bora is the most picturesque place in the world, and OROGOLD would definitely find it hard to disagree! This South Pacific island is the ultimate picture of paradise, and even though it has started to attract the crowds with its over-the-water bungalow resorts, you can’t go wrong with the vibrant blue lagoons, looming volcanoes and exciting marine life. There are enough white sandy beaches for you to get away from other tourists, and spend some time in solitude snapping away at the irresistible scenery. The beautiful coral reefs that surround the island also make for some great underwater photography opportunities, and is a skill definitely worth working on if you haven’t already tried it!

Eiffel Tower, Paris in winters.

Winter in Paris
Paris arguably has more iconic landmarks than any other city in the world. From the Eiffel Tower to the Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre, the list goes on! However, summers in the city can often be crowded, and who wants to see a stream of photos of famous landmarks covered with tourists? Winters in Paris see the city streets empty out more, with the winter sun casting a unique angled shadow over the city. You can also easily be inspired by Parisian black and white photography, taking advantage of the picturesque cobbled streets and the fashionably dressed population to practice this style. Paris is a great destination to make use of a Polaroid camera for offbeat and quirky shots, so think about bringing one of these along with you, as they are a great alternative to the many digital cameras of today.

A palace in Rajasthan.

Rajasthan, India
India has a colorful culture like no other, and its vibrancy is at its best in Rajasthan, a northern state that shares a border with Pakistan. From the yellow fort of Jaisalmer to the blue city of Jodhpur to the pink walls of Jaipur, there are colorful backdrops everywhere you look. The many forts and palaces are an instant reminder of the kingdoms that the region was once home to, and give a historic edge to every photo. The cities of Rajasthan are filled with women wearing colorful saris, children playing and posing for photographs, market stalls overflowing with tropical produce, and so much more. No matter how experienced your photography skills are, you will no doubt leave with a camera full of amazing photos.

While it may be tempting to snap away hundreds of photos of the important landmarks and monuments that you see, OROGOLD reminds you to always opt for quality rather than quantity. Look for vantage points that aren’t already over-run with tourists, and try to look deeper into your destination, so that you can photograph its heart and soul rather than just what you may see on the surface.

2019-04-14T09:10:14+00:00August 7th, 2015|Around the World|

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