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Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, is most famous for its grand summer festivals. The Fringe Festival that is celebrated in the neighborhood of Old Strathcona draws thousands of tourists and is famous all over the world. The city is also home to countless shows, film events, celebrations, music festivals and sporting events from all over the world. Edmonton has the distinction of being one of the most northerly cities of Canada, and as a result, you can practically expect it to bite into your skin during the winter months. The city is full of parks, restaurants, hotels and urban skyrises, but the downtown still exudes an unfinished feel.

Also known as the Vegas of the North, Edmonton brings its guests with a welcome relief from the vast open expanses of Alberta. The city is home to a number of historic and trendy districts and is also known to offer an excellent dining scene and nightlife.

Edmonton is one of those places where the downtown area doesn’t have much to offer to the travelers. In fact, the historic district of Old Strathcona is most popular among tourists. It is full of historic buildings that are known for their architectural details, plenty of eating and drinking outlets and beautiful museums. Another place worth checking out while in Edmonton is the West Edmonton Mall, one of the most famous shopping centers in Canada. It consists of an indoor roller coaster and water park and offers visitors with more than 800 shops to choose from.

Edmonton also boasts of a breathtaking arts scene with bike trails, natural beauty and river valley walks complementing the artistic nature of the city.  The Art Gallery of Alberta is considered to be a must see. The Fort Edmonton is famous as the largest living history museum in Canada and the humongous indoor wave pool in the World Waterpark in the iconic West Edmonton mall is worth checking out as well. While exploring the city, don’t forget to check out the Block 1912 European Cafe on Whyte Ave.

Edmonton experiences hot summers and extremely cold winters. The best time to visit Edmonton is between the month of June – July when the temperature hovers in the mid 30s and daylight entertains tourists till 10 or 11 PM. September is also considered to be an excellent time to visit the city. The temperatures become cooler and the city is at its natural best. The winters bring a lot of snowfall and they can be quite harsh as well.

Adventure and nature lovers cannot give up on cycling and walking in the River Valley or hiking in the Jasper National park. The Elk Island National Park, considered to be a hiking mecca, is also located nearby. Other things to do while in Edmonton include trips to Galaxyland, Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton Valley Zoo, Edmonton City Hall and the Rexall Place.

2019-04-15T13:06:11+00:00October 1st, 2014|Location Spotlight|

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