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OROGOLD’s 2015 Adventure Bucket List – ORO GOLD Cosmetics Reviews

//OROGOLD’s 2015 Adventure Bucket List – ORO GOLD Cosmetics Reviews

With the last quarter of the year fast approaching, it’s high time that you start chalking out your bucket lists for the year 2015. People always seem to be talking about historic destinations, romantic destinations, royal destinations, etc. Taking nothing away from any of those, the top adventure destinations in the world leave them behind by miles when it comes to offering you with a complete travel experience. Moreover, according to statistics, the rise in importance of the middle class in emerging markets is changing world travel completely. Adventure travel is no longer reserved for adventurous youths. People across all walks of life and people from all age groups have begun to indulge in adventure travel because of the thrills and frills that it has to offer. To make sure that you don’t get left out, OROGOLD decided to give you a head-start by highlighting the top adventure travel destinations in the year 2015.

People have been talking about Antartica for decades and the pride of stepping into this unique continent has been one of the most sought after distinctions among adventure travelers. But, what could be so interesting about a whole lot of ice, a few research scientists and a bunch of penguins? With the Antartica fad soon coming to an end, people have begun to shift their sights to Greenland. The nation has become the latest fad. And why not. After all, there’s a lot more to Greenland than there is to Antartica. The adventure is always there, but the presence of tiny Inuit villages and beautiful fjords and the chance of camping under the beautiful Arctic sky is just too good to pass out on. Any trip to Greenland is a once in a lifetime journey. Make the most of it by discovering remote islands, isolated harbors and breathtaking fjords.

Kenya is expected to flourish as a travel destination in the year 2015. From the unexplored corners of the Rift Valley to the picturesque delights of the Loita Hills, there’s just so much on offer in Kenya. Why does it feature so high on an adventure travel list? Well, does the presence of lush green forests, spectacular sights, genuine Maasai guides, jaw dropping waterfalls and exotic big game wildlife help you understand why? Oh yes. Kenya is the next “thing” when it comes to an African Safari.

How could you talk about adventure in a country like India, a place where adventure sports hasn’t even developed properly (barring river rafting of course)? Well, just because adventure activities in India don’t enjoy the same charm as the ancient palaces, unique lifestyles and breathtaking cultures, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. And who said an adventure trip to India should revolve around adventure activites? A journey to the country is an adventure in itself. Most people make the mistake of basing their itineraries around places like Agra, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Mumbai and Delhi. But what about destinations like Hyderabad? Hyderabad has gained a reputation of being an overlooked gem. It is a city that is seeped with tradition and history. Places like the Salar Jung Museum (one of the largest private art collections in the world), Grand Mosque and the Lad Bazaar are sure to offer you with an adventure like no other.

Cuba has been locked within a time capsule for decades. Traveling to the country is almost like traveling back in time. However, as the country opens up to the world, one can understand why Ernest Hemingway built his private here. The country is home to some of the best UNESCO World Heritage Sites like the Las Terrazas and Old Havana. And its natural beauty is second to none.

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has spent so much time being India’s island neighbor, that most people have forgotten the beauty that this island nation has to offer. And if it wasn’t for the Sri Lankan cricket team, things would have been even worse! Well, luckily the growth of technologies have made things like the tea plantations, unique street food, rich history and culture, enchanting historical sites and breathtaking natural beauty have become famous all over the world. Waves of European and Indian tourists are already flocking to the palm dotted shores of this island nation to check out its gorgeous stones, amazing elephants, 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, tea plantations and national parks.

Madagascar, a country that is home to as many as 1000 endemic animal species, miles of untouched rainforests, breathtaking natural beauty and delightful boabad trees, is a destination that you must visit now or kick yourself in the butt forever. Geologic formations found in the Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park are alone worth visiting Madagascar for. The beautiful culture and charms of Ile Sainte Marie simply act as an added plus.

Some might say that Columbia has already stepped up into the world travel scene, there are still a number of unexplored areas and regions in the country. Yes, cities like Medellin and Bogota have become famous, but so much remains to be explored in places like La Ciudad Perdida, Santa Marta and the Sierra Nevada range.

Oman is home to some of the most beautiful mountains, an exotic coastline and equally amazing dunes. Oman is a place that is full of natural beauty. It features medieval era rain forests, ancient camel markets, souks and old world mountain villages. Call it a journey into the past if you like, but the ultra-modern Bedouin tents that come with cozy patios and air conditioning are anything but ancient.

Myanmar became the hottest travel destination in Southeast Asia in the year 2014 and it is expected to hold onto its status in the year 2015. Myanmar is on the cusp of change and outside influence has finally become common in the country. This has completely opened up Myanmar to tourism and places like the temple fields of Bagan, water gardens of Inle Lake, sailing adventures of Yangon and the ancient capital of Mandalay ensure a steady stream of tourists that just keeps getting bigger by the day.

Which of these destinations is on the top of your 2015 bucket list? Let OROGOLD know using the comments box below.

2019-04-15T13:07:34+00:00October 1st, 2014|Travel|

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