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Most Popular Vacations of 2015

//Most Popular Vacations of 2015

While some destinations may only appeal to a handful of people, there are others that are much more popular, welcoming millions of visitors each year. From the tropical beaches of Sri Lanka to the world-class museums of London, OROGOLD takes a look at some of the most popular vacation spots of 2015.

When it comes to the most popular city for a vacation, London takes the title once again for 2015. London received almost 19 million overnight visitors in 2015, which is no surprise when you take in the city’s numerous attractions. London has some of the best museums in the world, from the British Museum, the most popular museum in the country, to the National Gallery and the Tate Modern. Plenty of other historical attractions dot the city, including the Tower of London, Big Ben, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and the Houses of Parliament, and you will also never be short of restaurants to eat at, bars to drink at, and nightclubs at which you can happily dance the night away.

Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has suffered through some difficult times in recent years, with a devastating cyclone, the damaging effects of the tsunami, and a civil war that only ended in 2009. However, it is bouncing back quickly, and tourism numbers are once again at a high as people around the world discover the magic that Sri Lanka has to offer. The 830 miles of coastline appeal to beach lovers, while the lush tropical jungles all over the country are great for those who want to experience Sri Lanka’s wilder side. With national parks, safari-style retreats, a capital city that is the fastest growing city in the world, and some of the best nature and adventure sports and activities in Asia, OROGOLD strongly believes that Sri Lanka will continue to be a popular vacation spot throughout 2016.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi
The capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi has been transformed from a humble fishing village into a bustling metropolis, but retains its sense of heritage and culture, making it an extremely appealing vacation destination. It is the third fastest growing city in the world, and its increase in tourism in 2015 has contributed to that to quite an extent. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is Abu Dhabi’s landmark attraction, as it is the largest mosque in the UAE and took an impressive twenty years to build. Heritage Village gives visitors an impression of traditional Bedouin life, while Yas Island is where OROGOLD recommends you go if you want an action-packed day out.

While London has been a popular vacation destination for years, the other destinations that OROGOLD has mentioned have only recently become popular, and are likely to continue to be for a few years to come. While this may mean larger crowds and higher prices, each of these destinations are truly spectacular in their own right, and OROGOLD would still recommend you pay them a visit if you ever get the opportunity to do so.

2019-04-13T14:29:05+00:00January 4th, 2016|Travel|

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