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OROGOLD Presents Royal Rome, OROGOLD Italy – ORO GOLD Reviews

//OROGOLD Presents Royal Rome, OROGOLD Italy – ORO GOLD Reviews

If there is one city in Europe worth visiting for its historical and architectural diversity, then it would be Rome, or the Eternal City as most people call it to highlight how important and ancient this city is. This is where you can find eminent Italian designer shops and exclusive restaurants, bars and cafes but also many churches, basilicas and squares, ancient Roman ruins and romantic royal places such as villas and palaces where Italian kings and nobles once lived. Once you visit this fabulous city you will want to visit it again.

Architectural Wonders

The beauty of ancient monuments attracts millions of tourists each year and although most of the buildings have been ruined over time they still represent true wonders to anyone interested in the history of the world. Some of the oldest temple remains in Rome were built in 27 BC while the city was founded in 753 BC when Romulus killed his twin brother Remus to rule the city of Rome. Roman Empire was one of the wealthiest and most powerful empires ever known to us, governed by seven Roman kings. They ruled the city, fought for the throne and some of them were known as evil dictators. They also left splendid castles, temples, fortresses and many other royal places to visit. Here are some of the eternal places you should see while in Rome:

  • Quirinal Palace or Quirinale in Italian – situated in Rome this architectural masterpiece is ranked sixth in the world because it covers a huge area and it is also the biggest presidential residence known. This is where the President of Italy resides but in the past it was home to four kings and thirty popes. The castle is situated on the seventh hill of Rome where the ancient Romans built several temples, baths and villas for the nobles. The palace was built in 16th century and since than has been used as a residence for papal conclaves. When Italy turned into kingdom and Rome became its capital, the castle was made royal residence and office for Italian monarchs.
  • Castle Sant D`Angelo – this castle has an interesting history and is considered one of the most amazing in the world. It was first designed by Emperor Hadrian who wanted a spectacular tomb for himself and his family while later on the fortress was turned into a citadel. In the Middle Ages this mysterious place was transformed into a castle. Some of the yards and walls were added through centuries so the original Hadrian`s construction from the 2nd century looks different today. Hadrian, his son and his wife were buried here as well as many Emperors in the Treasury Room filled with urns. Although the ashes were lost long time ago and all the marble decorations and frescoes ruined, this castle still inspires millions of tourists who come here for some mystery.
  • Castello Scandeluzza – imagine marble pillars and angelic sculptures , rich structures and mosaic floors, huge rooms, large halls and frescoes on the walls. This is one of the most wonderful castles in Rome owned by the Pellegrini family, one of the noble families of Rome. The villa is nowadays a hotel where you can stay if you want to feel the spirit of this 18th century building. The owner will show you around so be prepared for the best experience if you love old manor houses with spacious corridors and luxurious interiors and gardens.
  • OROGOLD Rome – a pampering facial and opulent products fit for royalty are what await you at OROGOLD’s Rome location. When you are ready for a break from the site seeing, set up for an one-on-one appointment with one of OROGOLD’s expert skin care specialists.
      •  OROGOLD Rome – Via Del Condotti, 333 Roma 00187 Italia

{google_map}Via Del Condotti, 333 Roma 00187 Italia{/google_map}

Rome isn’t the only royal place to visit, check out more about Royal London.

2019-04-15T13:24:44+00:00August 23rd, 2014|Travel|

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