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OROGOLD Presents Royal London (London, UK) – ORO GOLD Reviews

//OROGOLD Presents Royal London (London, UK) – ORO GOLD Reviews

If you have always wondered where the royals of Great Britain live, how they spend their holidays and where the members of the Royal Family were buried in the past, then London is the right place to visit. The city has always been the top destination for people interested in history, the arts and architecture. There is no place that can be compared to this amazing city where the Queen and members of the Royal Family live in gorgeous palaces that take you on a journey through centuries. With so many royal places to see in London you may get a picture of what life was like in the age of Henry VIII or Queen Victoria.

Royal Attractions in London

The city is full of various royal attractions and you only have to make a good plan prior to visiting London especially if you are fond of sightseeing. You can stay in some of the many luxurious hotels to experience what it feels to live like a king for at least a few days. Perhaps it is a good idea not to visit the royal places unprepared so if you are really into the royalties do your own research to get information about the most influental monarchs in the British history.  When you are in London, you can start your city tour by visiting castles, royal gardens and cathedrals. Here are a few Royal places worth visiting while in London, all year round:

  • Buckingham Palace – this is probably the most photographed palace in the world and for a reason. The beautiful building is home for the Queen and her family and you can see the interior of the Palace when it is open for tourists. Changing the Guard is one of the scenes that you remember forever.
  • Kensington Gardens – from the moment you enter the huge park through its beautifully decorated gate you feel you are entering a different world. Kensington Palace is the place you should see when in London, this is where Queen Victoria, Princess Diana and many other royalties once lived. You can see some of the  magnificent Royal apartments and paintings, or learn about Queen Victoria’s life.
  • Kew Palace – this wonderful palace with its botanical garden is one of the most amazing royal places. It used to be George III`s residence so you will see what it was like to live in this gorgeous palace. The rooms have remained all the same.
  • The Tower of London – this is a must-see for every tourist and the place where prisoners were kept and executed. This well preserved fortress hides the secrets and stories of two women who died here, Henry VIII’s two wives beheaded for adultery. You will see the Crown Jewels and the most expensive jewel  in the Queen’s crown kept in the Tower.
  • Westminster Abbey – the place where you feel out of this time, this cathedral has the largest collection of tombs of the British Monarchs and Royalties, from St Edward the Confessor and his wife to George II of Great Britain, Mary the Queen of Scots and Elizabeth of Bohemia. This is the Coronation scene of every British monarch and the place where sixteen royal weddings took place. The Abbey has many secret chambers and monarchs were buried in Henry VII`s Chapel. Exploring the royal places in London is one of the most exciting experiences for any tourist interested in the mysterious worlds of the British past.
  • OROGOLD London – if you are looking for a royal experience complete with a touch of opulent gold, visit OROGOLD in London. It is sure to be a pampering and skin beautifying experience. OROGOLD has 2 London locations for your relaxation convenience:

1. OROGOLD Bond Street: 64 New Bond Street, London, UK

{google_map}64 New Bond Street, London, Uk{/google_map}

2. OROGOLD Kensington Street: 155 Kensington High Street, London, UK

{google_map}155 Kensington High ST, London, Uk{/google_map}

3. OROGOLD Kings Road: 61 Kings Road, London, UK

{google_map}61 Kings Road, London, Uk{/google_map}

2019-04-15T13:24:59+00:00August 21st, 2014|Travel|

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