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OROGOLD Examines the Best and Worst Holiday Airlines – ORO GOLD Reviews

//OROGOLD Examines the Best and Worst Holiday Airlines – ORO GOLD Reviews

If you plan to be on an airplane anytime between Christmas and the New Year’s, you know that it is next to impossible to determine whether you’ll be on time. Bad weather certainly plays a huge role in delaying your flights, but most airlines also find themselves short staffed during the holiday season. OROGOLD Cosmetics reviews a report published on FORBES that showcases some of the best and worst airlines to travel on during the Holiday Season. Accordingly, OROGOLD reviews the best and the worst holiday airlines. 

Hawaiian Airlines – Best Holiday Season Airlines

The Hawaiian Airlines keeps grabbing the top spot as the best airline during the holiday season. Statistics show that only 8.7% of the flights operated by the Hawaiian Airlines during the holiday season get delayed. Unfortunately, you might soon find its flights to appear to be a bit more cramped up. Hawaiian Airlines plans to add 10 more seats to a number of its aircrafts. That being said, the airline certainly leaves no stone upturned in ensuring that it operates its flights on time during the festive period.

Southwest Airlines – Worst Holiday Season Airlines

Southwest Airlines is known to run into all sorts of problems during the holiday period. From snowstorms that leave its planes and crew members stranded to reasons like lesser staff, the operations of Southwest Airlines go completely haywire during the holiday seasons, particularly in the cities of Denver and Chicago. Statistics show that almost 33% of Southwest Airlines flights were delayed between the years 2011 – 2013 during the holiday season. Will this year be better? We would certainly like to hope so.

Delta Airlines –Best Holiday Season Airlines

The Delta Airlines also features high on the list of the best holiday season airlines. It is known to have the best performance among the largest carriers during the holiday season. Statistics show that about 18.7% of Delta flights arrived late over the holiday season, an excellent result when you look at the figures of a few other major carriers.

JetBlue Airways –Worst Holiday Season Airlines

The holiday seasons are always known to be a huge issue for the people at JetBlue Airways. Its operations in the Northeast continually get affected due to the dicey weather and as a result, only 64% of its flights manage to arrive on time during the holiday season.

Virgin America –Best Holiday Season Airlines

Virgin America might have been launched only in the year 2007, but it is already making huge inroads into the American travel market. The airline is an ideal example of how to manage things during the busy holiday season with only one out of every five Virgin America flights being delayed.

Frontier Airlines –Worst Holiday Season Airlines

One of the main reasons why Frontier Airlines does so horribly during the holiday season is that its home base is located in Denver. As a result, Frontier aircrafts always get affected by storms and are forced to sit tight. This means that only four out of every ten Frontier Airlines aircrafts manage to operate on time during the holiday period.

2014-12-19T01:03:56+00:00December 19th, 2014|Travel|

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