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OROGOLD Reviews on Social Media2019-03-05T10:31:03+00:00


OROGOLD Cosmetics is a luxury skin care brand that strives to offer customers all over the world with unique and exciting skin care solutions which help them re-create a spa-like experience at home. Ever since our launch in the year 2008, ORO GOLD has been well received by OROGOLD customers from all walks of life. This page has been dedicated to showcasing OROGOLD reviews from our loyal customers who took to popular social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ to profess their love for OROGOLD stores and products.

Read mentions about ORO GOLD Cosmetics and OROGOLD products from our customers all over the world and learn more about how OROGOLD Cosmetics managed to transform their skin care routines. We hope that this page shall turn out to be an inspiration for you to check out ORO GOLD products and collections that suit your skin so that you can finally say good riddance to the signs of aging as well as your skin issues.

OROGOLD would also like to take a moment to thank all of its customers who have tried their best to personally vouch our brand by sharing their OROGOLD experience on their respective social media profiles. Reading how our products and stores have managed to create a difference to their lives serves as a major source of inspiration for us and spurs us to try and offer OROGOLD customers with new and improved skin care collections, products and technologies with every passing year.

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"Even nerds have to try and look presentable sometimes." . . . I might be a tech or tech lifestyle influencer (mostly), but I also value the importance of keeping myself well maintained (probably not as complete as some of you ladies, but I do believe in investing in the bare minimum (yet high quality), when I could afford it). . I chanced upon @orogoldcosmetics recently and decided to check them out today, since they have an establishment nearby. . What intrigued me was the fact that they are using #nanotechnology as part of the process of creating their products. . Please, I am a noob when it comes to cosmetics stuff. And even when it comes to facial/skin care, I only know based on what I have experienced and used so far in my life. . But I know enough like the fact that I have been using the products from @kiehls for more than 3 years now. The only reason I stopped was because of my current lifestyle and the fact that I couldn't afford their products anymore. . But as a traveling trainer, coach and speaker, my time with people is going to be more frequent that normal, so I believe that first impressions really matter. . My most honest first impression about #orogold's products? . Its quite expensive for someone as grounded and down-to-earth as me. Plus the fact that I am still working off my debts, it's going to be awhile before I can even afford one of their products. . On the other hand, I have to be fair, the products are really good. So I took a few samples before I left. . P.S. Unless there's some kind of blogger/influencer marketing opportunity with the brand, I doubt I'm ever going to get any of their products in the near future. 😁 By the way, the moisturizer smells amazing. . . . . . . #facialcare #facialproducts #influencermarketing #sginfluencers #techinfluencers #tech #techlifestyle #sgtechlifestyle #sglifestyle #bloggers #sgbloggers #featuredbloggers #nerds🤓 #moisturizer #oilyskin #men #skincare #tryouts #kilogrammerz #igsg #sgig #instasg #kiehls

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