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Must Do’s for 48 Hours in NYC

//Must Do’s for 48 Hours in NYC

New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world, famous for being known as the city that never sleeps. Since the city is relatively compact, with a grid system that is easy to navigate, even a short trip to New York means that you will be able to visit a variety of landmarks and attractions. Here is OROGOLD’s list of must do’s for 48 hours in NYC.

Walk the High Line
The High Line is an abandoned elevated railway, straddling the Meatpacking District and stretching north to Chelsea. The railway has been turned into a beautiful green space that is a pleasure to walk through, giving you some great views of the city. OROGOLD recommends starting at the 18th Street entrance of the park and walking south, planning your visit so that you will be able to see the sun setting over the Hudson River. There are many different exits along the High Line, meaning that if you see something that catches your interest, it is easy to get a closer look before returning to the High Line to continue your walk.

Soak up Some Art and Culture
New York is home to some of the finest museums and galleries in the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the largest art gallery in the world, containing over two million pieces of work. Just a short walk away from the Met is the Guggenheim, as well as the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. However, OROGOLD reminds you that each of these museums are extremely large, meaning that you would need to devote a significant amount of time to them. With just 48 hours in the city, time can be tight, meaning that you may be better off with a visit to some of the small-scale galleries located all over Chelsea.

The Tourist Trail
If this is your first visit to the Big Apple, you are likely to want to check out some of the famous sights and landmarks. The Staten Island Commuter Ferry is free, and can be caught from downtown Manhattan for a 50 minute round trip that will take you past the Statue of Liberty, as well as give you the opportunity to gape at the Wall Street skyscrapers. For the best views of the city, you will need to go to the top of either the Empire State Building, or the Rockerfeller Plaza. OROGOLD would suggest opting for the latter, as the 360 degree views are simply unparalleled, and it means that you will be able to capture the Empire State Building in your skyline photos.

New York has so much to see and do, but, with just 48 hours in the city, it is important to prioritize all of the activities so that you don’t miss out on one that really matters to you. Whether it’s visiting world famous museums, taking in the famous sights of the city, or simply spending some time shopping and eating, New York will definitely keep you busy for your entire 48 hours!

2019-04-13T19:54:40+00:00October 25th, 2015|Travel|

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