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SHOP ranks Oro Gold Face Mask Among Best Anti-Aging Skin Products

// ranks Oro Gold Face Mask Among Best Anti-Aging Skin Products

The editors at selected an exclusive list of the best anti-aging products that are revolutionizing the skin care market. The Termica Energizing Mask from Oro Gold Cosmetics was among the select few to make the list.

Orogold Cosmetics works its anti-aging magic combining their trademark 24 karat gold formula with the pore opening effect of heat.

A portion of’s article on the best anti-aging skin care products can be read below:

33 Best New Anti-Aging Products


“Whether looking younger for you is about erasing wrinkles, strengthening your nails, brightening your complexion, getting thicker hair, or all off the above, click on for your one-stop-shop fountain of youth!

Orogold Termica Energizing Mask

This mask has a unique (and amazing!) heating effect when mixed with water and rubbed into skin. The warm ingredients will open your pores, find their way into the deep layers of your skin, and absorb dirt, oils, and toxins. We know it’s quite the splurge, but it’s suggested that this formula works as an alternative to plastic surgery–and hey, it’s definitely less painful!…”

Read the full article here

The heating Oro Gold mask is specially formulated with nature’s richest resources. Along with the 24K colloidal gold particles, Termica Energizing Mask is infused with Vitamins A,E, and C. Oro Gold also includes Algae extract into their mask to leave the skin nourished, with a radiant glow

2019-04-15T13:43:45+00:00March 20th, 2013|In the News|

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