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Fresh Wine and Produce at Bishop’s Orchards, CT

//Fresh Wine and Produce at Bishop’s Orchards, CT

Located in Guilford, Connecticut, Bishop’s Orchards is a family-owned and run farm that was first started in 1871. Today, the farm features a market, a winery, a CSA program, and so much more, making this a great spot to bag yourself some fresh wine and produce.

The Farm Market
The Farm Market is open throughout the day, and features an incredible range of fresh produce, all of which has come straight from the farm. From speciality vegetables and herbs to meat and dairy to dry foods, you will no doubt be able to find everything that you need here. The on-site bakery is also a must-visit, as they prepare fresh pies, breads, muffins and cookies on a daily basis. For those who want something more to eat, check out the Kitchen Department within the market, as there is a delicious array of prepared foods for sale here, with everything from 38 different soups to stuffed breads, sandwiches and side dishes. Many of these dishes change seasonally, so that the kitchen can make full use of the farm’s freshest produce.

The Winery
Bishop’s Orchards Winery, which first launched in 2005, has earned itself quite the reputation over the years, thanks to their diverse collection of award-winning ciders and wines. Their fruit wines are definitely a highlight, as these really accentuate the flavors of the seasonal annual fruits that are grown on the farm, with everything from strawberries and pears to blueberries and peaches. In addition to the dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet wine varieties that are produced by the farm, you will also find a tasty selection of hard ciders, which have collected over 318 medals to date. For those who would like to purchase a Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Cabernet Sauvignon, or anything else, the farm’s winery also stocks a great selection of white, rose and red wines from other local wineries.

Woman picking raspberries in basket

Pick Your Own
In this day and age of one-stop grocery stores, many people often find themselves completely removed from understanding exactly where their food comes from, and this is something that Bishop’s Orchards are trying to change. Their Pick Your Own season takes place during the spring and summer months, and gives you the opportunity to pick your own fruit and vegetables directly from the plants and trees. While you are now too late in the season to pick strawberries, there is still plenty else to choose from, including raspberries, blueberries, apples, pears and pumpkins. For those who would like to enjoy the benefits of fresh produce without picking it themselves, you can always sign up to the farm’s CSA program, which requires you to purchase a “share” of the upcoming harvest, after which you will receive a tub of produce every week to enjoy.

While Guilford has quite a strong agricultural heritage, Bishop’s Orchards is one of the last few remaining commercial farms in the area. By adapting to changing market conditions, and being continuously innovative, this is a farm that has experienced success after success, and looks set to continue to do so for years to come.

2019-04-11T14:38:38+00:00August 16th, 2017|Travel|

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